The Pokemon Pikachu is a little virtual pet created byNintendo (duh). Anyone who obsesses over Pokemon has one (or twoor three). I have one. I've had him for about 3 or 4 months. Andduring that time I think I've seen everything that Pikachu cando. This page is split into several sections...
- Let's Go Pikachu
- Let's Go Pikachu Free Play
- Let's Go Pikachu Rom Download
- Lets Go Pikachu Slot Machine Game
1 What Pikachu does. (Goes through all his moods and thethings I have seen him do)
Mini Pokemon Slot Machine Capsule Toy - Duration: 3:44. SuesKawaiiCollection 15,551 views. 3:44 TOYSLOT MACHINE TOY!!!。スロットのおもちゃで遊んでみた。.
2 How to get Pikachu to love you (and keep loving you).
3 Rumors (Does Pikachu evolve on this thing?)
1The things that Pikachu will do.
Pikachu has 4 main moods.
- Hates you.
- Is O.K. with you.
- Likes you.
- Loves you.
1 Pikachu hates you.
It sucks to be you. Pikachu will do nothing and then less thanthat. In the morning he shocks you or doesn't appear at all. Whenhe ever appears (this is VERY rare) he always has his back turnedto you. All he does is eat, sleep and bathe and will walk if youshake him a lot. You need a serious butt-load of watts to pullhim out of this mood. But don't worry, you have to leave Pikachualone for like a month for this to happen. My Pikachu has neverhated me to date so I don't know how many watts you need to givehim.
Let's Go Pikachu
2 Pikachu is O.K. with you.
This is Pikachu's mood when he first pops out of the Pokeball.At this stage, Pikachu has a few functions. He looks at you ifyou shake him, he eats, sleeps, snacks on a lolipop, and bathes.He'll walk or run if you shake him a lot. Eventually you willfind him playing in his sand box. It takes about 1000 - 2000watts to get to the next mood.
3 Pikachu likes you.
YES! Pikachu is starting to take up some space on that littlescreen! He moves around a lot, and actually looks you straight inthe face if you shake him a little. At this point, Pikachu willstart watching TV, or reading a book, or he will start to playwith his blocks (maybe). Pikachu will also start riding ascooter. You need a little over 2000 watts to get to the nextmood.
4 Pikachu Loves you.
Oooohhhh yeah! Happy dance time! (I need to get an animationof the Pikachu Happy Dance) Pikachu takes up the whole screen! Hestands there wagging that 5000 volt tail until you shake him alittle. He does a happy dance cuz he loves you soooo much. I betyou think that's the end of it? Well it's not. Pikachu gets lotsmore functions at this stage. You need a ton of points and lotsof watts to get him to do new things. I've got over 300000 pointsalready. At this stage he will start riding a bicycle, using ariding car, start driving a car (man he gets his license before Ican!!!!), he rides a unicycle, he rides a skateboard, takes abubble bath instead of a shower, he eats an Ice Cream coneinstead of the lolipop, he eats fried rice instead of thesandwich and the plate o' stuff (as I call it), sometimes whenyou turn him on he will be showing his affection for you, he willbe playing the trumpet, flying a kite, he will be in school (toobad he goes to school 7 days a week) and sometimes he will behang gliding. That's all I can remember right now.
* - When you give Pikachu watts he will do certain things.Sometimes he does a happy dance or just shows his love for you.That's the stuff for the people who give him 200 - 250 watts. Ifyou give him a load of watts (like 400 - 600) he will do a wholelot more. He does a back flip, plays a baby grand piano (or isthat a pokepiano???), he goes hang gliding, he plays the trumpet,he'll even write you a letter. You just gotta give him a load ofwatts for him to do these things. The more watts (and points) youget, the more things he'll do!
2How toget Pikachu to love you and keep loving you.
So far my standing record for getting myPikachu to love me from the O.K. stage is 2 days. Can anyone beatthat?
There are a few ways to get Pikachu to loveyou.
(1) Give him watts! There are two ways to dothis : 1 - Shake him. 2 - GAMBLE.
1 Shake him.
The best way to do this is to sit down to a TVshow or an hour long movie and shake him for the duration of theshow. Your mind will be distracted from the Pikachu, but you'llstill be shaking him. By the end of the movie/TV show you shouldhave amassed about 400-500 watts. Put Pikachu in a poket on yourcloting and go for a nice long walk/jog/run. A good hour longouting will get you about 300-400 watts. You can probably putPikachu on a paint mixer and let it go for 15 minutes. You'll maxout the points and the watts. (I haven't tried this!!! I take noresponsibility for your Pikachu overloading or something!!!) Andremember : 100 points makes 5 watts!
Yup, for a mere 5 watts you can gamble to yourhearts content (or until you run out of watts). You have to match3 of the same picture on the slot machine. The slot machine isalmost the same as the one on the GameBoy, but this one is easierto win at. My personal theory about the slot machine on Pikachuis that every Pikachu has different odds. I can win big on minebut not on my friend's. There are 4 pictures on this slot machine: The Fish thing (me and my friends call it Magikarp), theFlower, the Pikachu-Head, and the Lucky 7. You get 3 Magikarp -30 watts, 3 Flowers or Pikachus - 50 watts, 3 Lucky 7's - 500watts. I've gotten 3 7's a lot let me tell you. You just gottatime it right. That's the only advice I can give.
(2) This is only my personal theory but it doesmake some sense (to me at least). You gotta treat him as if hewere a REAL Pokemon. Yup, you read that right. Treat him like hewas real. The best things to do is not to shake him when he'ssleeping, bathing, playing, or snacking. I find that this hashelped me to keep Pikachu loving me.
I've only heard a few rumors about the PokemonPikachu.
- If Pikachu loves you for 90 days straight, he'll evolve.
- If you get the maximum score (999999), he'll evolve. (I'm going for this one!)
- Nintendo may be putting out a new Pokemon Virtual Pet. I heard it might be Psyduck, others said it might be Vulpix.
I asked Nintendo about these rumors but theywere very evasive in giving me answers so some of these rumorsMAY be true.
The Game Corner has been a staple of every Pokemon game up to Generation IV. Here you can buy coins, test your luck, and win fabulous prizes, including new Pokemon and TMs you won't get anywhere else.
The Basics
You'll need a Coin Case, to be found in the restauraunt from the guy with the glasses along the main strip of buildings below where the Rocket Game Corner is. At the main desk in Game Corner (in the top left corner) you can buy 50 coins for 1000P. Unlike more recent titles, there is no 500 coins for 10000P option: you're stuck mashing the A-button unless you decide to play a few games. Make sure you look around everywhere on the ground in the Game Corner: there are plenty of free coins other people have dropped, to be found as you would with any other hidden item. Your Itemfinder won't pick them up, though.
Slots and Games
The only game in the casino is a slot machine-style game. Insert however many coins you want (1, 2 or 3, which add more rows on the slots where you can win prizes) and try and line up the same picture. A triple 7 yields 300 coins, three BAR yield 100 coins, three Meowth, Koffing, or Arbok win 15 coins, and three cherries earn 8 coins. Go hog wild.
Let's Go Pikachu Free Play
TM23 Dragon Rage: 3300 Coins
A decent move and the only Dragon-type one in the game. Will always deal 40HP damage to anything regardless of type, stats, or weakness. Can be learned by the Dragons and dragonesque Pokemon including Charizard and Aerodactyl. You can probably figure out better options for these Pokemon later in the game but if you have some money to blow after the fourth badge it can be helpful to have a set damage attack.
TM15 Hyper Beam: 5500 Coins
A very powerful Normal-type move. 150 Base Power, but forces you to recharge after using if you don't faint the enemy. Attach it to a strong and fast Pokemon with great Attack power (like Gyarados) and go nuts.
TM50 Substitute: 7700 Coins
A support move which creates a miniature doll of your Pokemon using a bit of its health to absorb stat-drops, conditions, and damage until its threshold is reached and it breaks. Not as useful as in later generations but can still be used for a good strategy or two.
Pokemon#037 Vulpix: 1000 Coins
Vulpix the Fire-type fox is exclusive to the Game Corner in the Yellow version of Pokemon. Ninetales, his evolutionary form, can only be obtained with a Fire Stone purchased at Celadon Dept. Store. An expensive though balanced fox.
#040 Wigglytuff: 2680 Coins
Wigglytuff are available on demand here for just 2680 coins. If you don't want to use a Moon Stone on Jigglypuff, this is your only alternative other than to trade one in.
Let's Go Pikachu Rom Download
#063 Abra: 230 Coins
Makes catching this little Psychic-type a heck of a lot easier now that he can't escape with Teleport. Evolves into a Pokemon with one of the best Special stats in the game (albeit reaching his last form via trade).
#123 Scyther: 6500 Coins
A formidable Bug/Flying-type Pokemon with great Speed and Attack. Scyther can only be found here and in the Safari Zone, and he's much easier to get with slots than randomly tossing balls at him hoping for the best.
#127 Pinsir: 6500 Coins
Another Bug-type Pokemon with a killer stat set that is only otherwise found in the Safari Zone.
Lets Go Pikachu Slot Machine Game
#139 Porygon: 9999 Coins
Exclusive to the slots, Porygon is very expensive. If you're looking for a strong battler, it's not going to be Porygon, though it has a fun novelty to it you could try and make work with its strong movepool. Normal-type.